Welcome to WeConnect Platform

Social Lighting Platform
for Bodaboda & Bajaji

WeConnect is the social lighting platform with the vision of social living uplifting through educating the community It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. We tends to open people’s mind based on their dream, vision, individually ability and future prospects, we mean to enhance individuals and groups in what they’re doing or charging mind in giving the right move that enhancing their dream prospects.

We Connect

The main objective of supporting Tanzanian’s standard of living through group education for the purpose of lighting their lives individually or group’s ways.

We Secure

To enhance individuals and groups in what they’re doing or charging mind in giving the right move that enhancing their dream prospects.

We Serve

To Motivate and encourage Bajaji and Bodaboda owners and Drivers or riders on how to meet their goals by using your product(s) due to the quality as well us durability.

Through educating Drivers and riders in different ways regarding on the effective use of roads, signs, Vehicles, updated and recommended spares, services, as well as knowing their rights and responsibilities for the riders, passengers and the owner of the bike/ bajaji.

“The Ride Of Bodaboda and Bajaji Business Out of Risk From Riders, Passengers and vehicles It’s Possible” we mean to meet with Bodaboda and Bajaji owners, drivers/ riders as well. This education also goes direct to the society as the main service users.
WeConnect Program


WEConnect is the project which targeted on lighting lives by enhancing people’s dreams in changing mind through knowledge empowerment for the strength people’s lives and their life prospects.

We tends to open people’s mind based on their dream, vision, individually ability and future prospects, we mean to enhance individuals and groups in what they’re doing or charging mind in giving the right move that enhancing their dream prospects.

The project tends to touch every Tanzanian mind in minimize death, injuries and accidents from our friends, customers, clients and relatives which determine the future our business too.

The project tends to touch every Tanzanian from ward ,district ,region as well as cities in minimizing deaths, injuries and accidents from our friends, customers, clients and relatives who determine the future of your business. This project is going to cover all over the country starting with only ten regions categorized into four zones within the United Republic of Tanzania:-
  1. Zone one: Dar es salaam and Pwani.
  2. Zone two: Morogoro, Dodoma and Iringa
  3. Zone Three: Arusha and Kilimanjaro
  4. Zone Four: Mwanza,Shinyanga and Simiyu.

This Project is open to all company stakeholders in promoting their products and services directly to end-users through flyers, brochures, t-shirts, banners, placard and direct presentation.

We invite all Bodaboda and Bajaji Stakeholders. 1. Pikipiki Sellers 2. Bajaji Sellers 3. Pikipiki Spare Parts Sellers 4. Bajaji Spare Parts Sellers 5. Insurance Companies 6. Banks 7. Vikoba 8. Telecommunication companies 9. Bajaji Drivers Associations 10. Bodaboda Riders Associations 11. Traffic Officers 12. Police Officers 13. Other stakeholders To Join Us

No Region Number of Centre Participants
1. Dar es salaam 25 Centres 400+ People Per Centre
2. Pwani Region 8 Centres 150+ People Per Centre
3. Morogoro Region 10 Centres 180+ People Per Centre
4. Arusha Region 15 Centres 203+ People Per Centre
5. Kilimanjaro Region 10 Centres 160+ People Per Centre
6. Mwanza Region 18 Centres 190+ People Per Centre
7. Shinyanga Region 15 Centres 90+ People Per Centre
8. Simiyu Region 10 Centres 96+ People Per Centre
9. Iringa Region 10 Centres 100 People Per Centre
10. Dodoma Region 12 Centres 101+ People Per Centre

WeConnect Tanzania with Fursa

WEConnect is the project which organized and supervised by Teachers’ Junction Organization with the main objective of supporting Tanzanian’s standard of living through group education for the purpose of lighting their lives individually or group’s ways.

Teachers’ Junction is the educational consultant within the United Republic of Tanzania which tends to education Tanzanian in so many ways to assure base living and uplifting people’s living standards. WEConnect is the project which targeted on lighting lives by enhancing people’s dreams in changing mind through knowledge empowerment for the strength people’s lives and their life prospects.

WEConnect is also stand as the social lighting platform with the vision of social living uplifting through educating the community from different groups. We tends to open people’s mind based on their dream, vision, individually ability and future prospects, we mean to enhance individuals and groups in what they’re doing or charging mind in giving the right move that enhancing their dream prospects.

#Bodaboda and Bajaji Business Out of Risk

The Ride Of Bodaboda and Bajaji Business Out of Risk From Riders, Passengers and Vehicles It’s Possible. This is a very special project which tends to solve if not to minimize from 100% to 20% of accidents in Tanzania especially in highly populated areas such as Dar es slaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Shinyanga and Moshi.

Report of 26th of October 2021 from Mwananchi News Paper shows the road accident is number 8 course of deaths in the world in which most of these death in Tanzania courses by Bodaboda and Bajaji Read Here

In the report Dk. Kennedy Nchimbi from Moi hospital Dar es salaam said:- Most of accidents courses death, injuries but most get life disabilities from braking their waists, legs and hands. Bodada and Bajaji cases has been horrible in this country in which every three years the Nation is losing manpower under rate of 2,160 death reports. This number is huge but we can stop at all or even reducing it in a high percentage through talking to them directly on how to avoid this by educating in different ways regarding on the effective use of roads, signs, machines, updated and recommended spares, services, knowing their rights and responsibilities for the riders, passengers and the owner of the bike/ bajaji.

We intend to solve the following which believes to be cause of many accidents in our country.
  1. Lack of traffic education
  2. Lack of knowledge in safe way of using road
  3. Heath education in accident (Once happens)
  4. Import of body protection during ride and drive
  5. Importance of BIMA in their machines.
  • Importance of doing machines Services on time
  • Importance of using updated spare parts
  • What you should know before using main road
  • Who is police officer/traffic and how friendly is
  • How much care does the vehicles needs for long living.
  • Our platform of more than 400 members per presentation will also open doors for stakeholders to promote their products and services to the community. Its best and ever platform to explain, educate, introduce and promote your products/services and reach more than 400 customers/clients per presentation at a time in which user might have time to ask and came up with clear/deep understanding of your products/services.

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    What are the motives of this project?

    The Ride Of Bodaboda and Bajaji Business Out of Risk From Riders, Passengers And Machines It’s Possible. This is a very special project which tends to solve if not to minimize from 100% to 20% of accidents in Tanzania Specially highly populated areas like Dar esslaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Shinyanga and Moshi.

    In this project we mean to meet with.
    1. Bajaji Owners
    2. Bodaboda owners
    3. Bajaji Drivers
    4. Bodaboda Riders

    We re working to solve the following which issues which cause many accidents in our country

    1. Lack of traffic education
    2. Lack of knowledge in safe way of using road
    3. Heath education in accident (Once happens)
    4. Import ofbody protection during ride and drive
    5. Importance of BIMA in their machines.
    6. Importance of doing machines Services on time
    7. Importance of using updated spare parts
    8. What you should know before using main road
    9. Who is police officer/traffic and how friendly is
    10. How much care does the machine want for long living.
    1. To minimize accidents to our country through group education
    2. How to make better living from Bajaji and Bodaboda business
    3. To empower living standard through money serving education
    4. Education importance of using BIMA from their Machines and Lives.
    5. First aid from an accident and what to do once it happens
    6. Traffic education and how to be safe by themselves and passengers
    7. How to maintain services of the machines
    8. What benefit contract to be made between owners and driver/rider
    9. How to avoid fracas from police offer in their daily job
    10. Which spare part to be used where and last for how long it last
    11. Which government tax should their machines pays and what if not?
    12. Identifying importance of their business in a community
    13. How can they be safe in their business and hold back the value and trust to their clients.
    14. At what they can stabilize their business to meet their living dreams.
    15. To solve money management issues as well as extends knowledge on how to extend their income including simple loans.

    Our presentation will going be participated by important government servants and stakeholder in accordance, presentation will be done in different centers per region, this will depends how big the region is

    1. To promote the brand image of your shop/company to all Bajaji and Bodaboda owners and
    2. Drivers/riders in all listed areas where the project is conducted.
    3. Stand as a brand ambassador, this includes advertising the brand of your product/services.
    4. Provide clear support to the government in educating and minimizing accident.
    5. Introduction of the new product on the market and enhancing/boosting sales.
    6. To create awareness and publicity on the current product/services direct to targeted market.
    7. To motivate and encourage Bajaji and Bodaboda owners and Drivers/riders on how to meet their goals by using your product(s) due to the quality as well us durability.
    8. To educate and motivates Bajaji and Bodaboda owners and Drivers/riders on using your products and services.
    9. To have direct connection between users and products producers as well as new offers.
    10. To create life memory on what you produce, serve or offer.
    11. To create new customers and clients directly.
    12. Knowing what users says about your products and services from their experiences.
    13. To extend market on how do users get your products/services.
    14. Knowing about the quality and how to know the genuine products and avoid fake
    15. Holding responsibility together in cutting of unnecessary deaths in our country.

    You’re free to select mode of presentation according to your marketing target, however some products are free to be done from selected package also costs decrease the more regions you choose to.

    One Region Advertisement Cost

  • Brochures in and outside the room 200,000/=
  • Posters outside the room 300,000/=
  • Posters inside the room 350,000/=
  • Banner outside 400,000/=
  • Banner inside 500,000/= free T-shirts, Reflectors and Brochures.
  • Presentation 1,000,000/= for 10 -20minits. Free t-shirts, helmets and reflectors.
  • Two Regions Advertisement Cost

  • Brochures in and outside the room 300,000/=
  • Posters outside the room 3500,000/=
  • Posters inside the room 400,000/=
  • Banner outside 600,000/=
  • Banner inside 700,000/=
  • Presentation 1,500,000/= for 10 -20minits.
  • Three Regions Advertisement Cost

  • Brochures in and outside the room 400,000/=
  • Posters outside the room 4500,000/=
  • Posters inside the room 500,000/=
  • Banner outside 6500,000/=
  • Banner inside 800,000/=
  • Presentation 2,000,000/= for 10 -20minuts.
  • All listed and non-listed stakeholders from Companies/Organization/Shops/Industries /Institution whether government and NGO’s to use this platform effective in holding our hands in supporting goals and well as to promote your products and Services all over the country in minimum costs as less as free.

    1. Pikipiki Sellers
    2. Bajaji Sellers
    3. Pikipiki Spare Parts Sellers
    4. Bajaji Spare Parts Sellers
    5. Insurance Companies
    6. Banks
    7. Vikoba
    8. Telecommunication companies
    9. Bajaji Drivers Associations
    10. Bodaboda Riders Associations
    11. Traffic Officers
    12. Police Officers
    13. Other stakeholders

    This project stared on March 2022 which will be all over the country but at first we are going to start with only ten regions which categorized to four zones within the United Republic of Tanzania:-

    1. 1. Zone one: Dar essalaam and Pwani.
    2. 2. Zone two: Morogoro, Dodoma and Iringa
    3. 3. Zone Three: Arusha and Kilimanjaro
    4. 4. Zone Four: Mwanza,Shinyanga and Simiyu.

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