Welcome to WeConnect Platform

Education Directory Platform

This Project organized and supervised by Teacher’s Junction. With the main objective of proving Network between parents/guardians, Pupils/Students and Private Schools, Colleges, Universities and Non-Education Institutions. Where by Education Networking Centre act like a bridge to bring these two parts together with Venerable information about each other.

Through Education Networking we promote School/College/Institute all over the Country ensure increase number of students or pupils number of a short period of time. We ensure schools to get Students all over the country where by parents/students they don’t have to travel again.

Registration and assessment will be done at their location as long as Teachers’ Junction has network around. If schools assess their candidate through interview we will host/supervise their qualified test to our station through online guide exams whereby candidate will do them and scores will be seen by both sides.

Through Education Networking Centre Candidate will have to undergo all procedures including...

  1. Registration
  2. Interview
  3. Joining Instruction
  4. Taken/Directed to schools.

Read Our Terms of Services

  • Schools should provide in detail the history of school, location and the general performance in NECTA regional wise and national wise.
  • School should give us their qualifications to enroll a pupil/student, if schools assess through an interview they should give us their questions to convert them to online system.
  • Schools should give us their registration forms, School calendar and school joining instructions form.
  • Parents will have pay everything through school bank account that given to us by the school and the students/pupils will hand over a receipt to the school.
  • School should allow us to make coverage through photos of the school environment including classes, Dormitories, Playing ground all school environments in general.
  • School should allow Education Networking Centre to use their photos as means of promoting school through our website, blogs, fliers and Social Networks.
  • School should be close to TNC any changes in their fee structure, school time table and registration fee TNC should know on time.
  • To be registered school has to fulfill our Registration form to accept our terms and conditions.
NOTE: “ Education Networking Centre will deduct 100,000/Tsh per head, this amount paid direct from the school to Education Networking Centre, 100,000/=Tsh paid soon after first payment done by parent/student as indicated in a School fee structure, however if the school accept student before the first full payment that said 100,000/Tsh will be paid in full to TNC account.